The HSP Mentoring Program is launched, and yes, it is totally FREE

At HSP we are truly delighted to launch the HSP Mentoring Program.

It is hard to find in one place, as much passion and expertise for the Hospitality industry as here at HSP. This is why we gathered all that care and experience and packaged it into a new exciting initiative benefiting aspiring young leaders in the sector.

As a leading global network of expert hospitality consultants, we are fortunate to have both breadth and depth of experience in all realms of the hospitality business. Speaking with clients, we recognize that there is a great need for guiding and nurturing young aspiring talent in the sector.

In alignment with ESG Policy Statement and our commitment to fostering positive impact for clients, colleagues, and communities, HSP decided to take this great opportunity to share our experience to better our industry.

The HSP Mentoring Program is designed to provide young leaders with invaluable guidance and insights from seasoned professionals within HSP’s extensive global network of hospitality consultants, advocating for responsible business practices in the sector.

How does the HSP Mentoring Program work?

We like to keep things simple, so here’s how it goes:

  1. Young aspiring talent would fill in an online application form to be considered for the HSP Mentoring Program by 30th of June 2024.
  2. The applications will be screened by Donald Bowman, the Program Director, and a set of selected mentees will be chosen based on their needs and fit.
  3. Selected mentees will then be paired with volunteer mentors carefully chosen from HSP’s global network of seasoned consultants. The pairing will prioritize regional proximity and career specialties to help maximize the benefits and relevance.
  4. Mentees will be advised that they have been selected by 12th July and asked, prior to the mentoring program starting, to share with their assigned mentors, background information, objectives and career aspirations. This step would ensure the mentors are able to tailor the program to the mentee’s individual needs and situation.
  5. Over the course of two months, mentors and mentees will engage in up to five one-hour calls or in-person meetings, facilitating in-depth discussions on career progression, personal development and growth strategies.
Sky Pool

Meet your Mentors

Key dates

HSP Mentors launch: 17th June

Applications open: 17th June to 5th July

Selection and pairing 12th July

HSP Mentors starts 15th July

HSP Mentors finishes 16th September


You can fill in the names of your preferred mentors in the application form. While we cannot guarantee it, we will try to pair individual applicants with their preferred consultants.

We want to keep it as open and be as inclusive as possible, so we are not putting any hard numbers or restrictions. Saying that, we believe that young hospitality professionals who are in their early 5-10 career years would probably benefit the most.

Our mentors are offering only 5 hours of their time with no charge as part of this programme. However, if you would like to continue with them as your mentors, you can discuss that option with them separately.

All the HSP consultants have at least 15-20 years of hospitality experience in senior roles under their belt. In our last HSP conference, it was clear to us that the industry is facing challenges in attracting and retaining young talent, so the idea of the HSP Mentoring Program was born as our attempt to help and give back.

While we cannot confirm that we will, HSP is certainly considering this avenue. So, watch this space is all we are saying!

Donald Bowman is the Program Director, so for any questions, he’s your man.

Sky Pool

Apply below: