David Williams


David Williams Chief Operating Officer Asia Pacific  Areas of Expertise ESG Advisory Financial Advisory Development & Asset Management Strategic Advisory Operational Advisory Professional Biography David has a wide-ranging knowledge of hotel operations having spent many years at the sharp end of hospitality businesses. He has been mentoring and troubleshooting [...]

David Williams2024-08-08T12:00:25+00:00

John Healy


John Healy Chief Operating Officer Areas of Expertise Development & Asset Management Operational Advisory Financial Advisory Strategic Advisory Professional Biography John advises clients on lodging-related finance and accounting areas with particular emphasis on strategic growth and performance turnarounds. He uses his extensive experience as a platform to deliver [...]

John Healy2024-08-08T12:01:25+00:00

Katrina Craig


Katrina Craig Chief Executive Officer Areas of Expertise Strategic Advisory Development & Asset Management ESG Advisory Operational Advisory Professional Biography Katrina heads HSP globally and is a seasoned hotel and hospitality consultant who advises on feasibility studies, operator selection, concept development, strategy, and governance. Since joining HSP in [...]

Katrina Craig2025-03-06T17:24:31+00:00

Alex Mavridis


Alex Mavridis Chief Operating Officer EMEA Areas of Expertise: Development & Asset Management Strategic Advisory Financial Advisory Operational Advisory Professional Biography: Alex has over twenty years’ experience in investment and asset managing hospitality and mixed-use assets through all stages of the investment cycle – concept, feasibility, design, preopening, [...]

Alex Mavridis2024-08-08T12:03:41+00:00

David Traynor


David Traynor Vice President - Asia Pacific (Singapore/Thailand) Areas of Expertise Sales & Commercial Branding & Marketing Operational Advisory People Development & Asset Management Professional Biography David is an international Hotelier with over 32 years of hospitality experience where he started his career within the Commercial environment for [...]

David Traynor2024-11-18T20:55:18+00:00

Gabrielle Gambina


Gabrielle Gambina Associate – EMEA Areas of Expertise: Development & Asset Management Professional Biography: Gabrielle provides business planning and investment analysis for development, acquisition and disposal of hotels and large leisure resorts - including shared ownership schemes (fractional, timeshare, unitisation schemes, rental pools etc.) She assists investors with [...]

Gabrielle Gambina2024-08-08T12:09:36+00:00

Jo Payne


Jo Payne Associate Areas of Expertise: Development & Asset Management Professional Biography: Jo’s 28-year architectural career in Asia includes the design and documentation of complex large-scale mixed-use developments throughout the region. With a broad wealth of experience across the industry, Jo has worked with Operators and Developers on [...]

Jo Payne2024-08-08T12:19:52+00:00

Mahmoud Gawad


Mahmoud Gawad Associate Areas of Expertise Operational Advisory Financial Advisory Development & Asset Management Services Mahmoud is a finance and asset management specialist with over 30 years of hospitality experience in luxury hotel chains. He worked for Thistle Hotel Group and IHG in London for 12 years before [...]

Mahmoud Gawad2024-10-22T08:26:52+00:00

Pierre Verbeke


Pierre Verbeke Associate Areas of Expertise Operational Advisory Strategic Advisory Development & Asset Management People Services With 25 years of experience in hotel management and hotel openings, Pierre has extensive hospitality consulting experience. For the past 10 years, he has brought a hospitality mindset to non-hospitality companies, improving their [...]

Pierre Verbeke2025-01-17T19:27:02+00:00

Ranjit Gunewardane


Ranjit Gunewardane Associate Areas of Expertise Development & Asset Management ESG Advisory Professional Biography Ranjit brings unique cross-border experience and a range of multi-disciplinary skills to play in advising clients on all aspects of sustainable smart design in Architecture, MEP (mechanical, electrical, and plumbing) and Technology Systems for [...]

Ranjit Gunewardane2024-08-08T12:23:48+00:00


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